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Chasing Daylight

For in Him we live and move and have our being...

Making the move...

Monday, September 11, 2006
Well it is official...I have done what many others have done. I have moved to wordpress. The address www.zacwheeler.com

I am still working on the look and adding posts and some other stuff, but please bare with me.

Video of the Week

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Here is a family documentary made by Jessica Tankersley. She is gifted up and coming filmaker. Be sure to check out her series of short films on marriage, at her blog.


Should I or Shouldn't I?

I have been contemplating switching over to wordpress for some time now. Over the past few months I have been seeing more and more people switch over and share that they are so glad that they did. I think that I might just have to take the leap. I just want to make sure that I could even work wordpress. I will just have to do some more homework.


I just got done watching the entire third season of "Arrested Development". Let me just say that if you have not yet partaken in this show, you are missing out.

This show is complete genius. Great writing, and an excellent cast. I can't believe that this show was cancelled. It has a huge following, but I guess not enough to keep it going. Maybe a ton of people will buy the seasons on DVD and it will come back like "Family Guy".

Go out and check this show out. You will not be sorry.

Oh and the best line of the show is..."hey brother", by the youngest Bluth son Buster, who is probably the best character on the show. It is a toss up between him and Gob.



Monday, September 04, 2006
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? It happens to me quite often, but I must admit that it has not happened like this. Last week I was watching a short film called "the beautiful bagleys" and there was a certain song in it that I had heard before but have never known the title to, or the artist performing it. So I asked and found out, and then I immediately bought the album on iTunes. From there I proceeded to listen to the song over and over again. (which has put a strain on my marriage) Well the reason that I say all this is because I have been singing this song every moment of everyday for the past 4 days. I have even been singing this song in dreams. I must say that in my 27 years on this earth this is a first. This song has not gotten old and it is really stuck in my sub conscious, and I have the Tanks to thank for it. (Tank1, Tank2)

Oh...the song is "Orange Sky" by Alexi Murdoch.

A close call...

I don't know about you, but I was a little nervous on Saturday. I thought that this was going to be just like last year. But it turned out good. The sooners won...and college football started on saturday. It doesn't get any better than this. I love this time of year.

Bill and Ted...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Awhile back I had posted about something that I had learned from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. I have still been thinking about some of the things in that movie, so here is:

What would it mean to “be excellent to each other”? That is the statement that Bill S. Preston and Ted Theadore Logan make in the movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I ask this because that bold statement could mean so many different things. The word “excellent” is different to everyone.

I agree with the statement. I try to live by it actually. I find that when I follow this way of living, I feel in harmony with life and that I am part of something bigger than myself. To be honest though there are times that I don’t want to be excellent to someone, and there are just so many people.

Let me give you an example. Today at work a woman came into the church and asked for help in paying for her and her sister to stay in a hotel room for the night. Actually she asked if we would pay for three nights in a hotel, at $77 dollars per night. We get so many people of the street asking for help that we must be very selective about who we help. So we leave the final say up to the Senior Pastor. The Pastor listened to her story and decided to help her by giving her $50. She stood there and got upset…she asked where she was going to get the other $22. I was just so shocked that she was not happier for what she got from us. People like this woman make it hard for me to be excellent to everyone. I start to become hardened to all people, telling myself that everyone is like this. I know that this statement is not true. But this is what I battle at times. But this brings me to my question. Can I be excellent to everyone? Do you think that it is possible?

Top Five...

Friday, September 01, 2006

I am trying something that I hope will be the start of some great dialogue. It is not something deep, but it is something that can really say a lot about yourself. Every week I am wanting to post a different top five list about a special category, then you could comment on your top five in that subject.

So to kick this off I am going to go easy and give my top five movies: (not in order of importance)
  1. Good Will Hunting
  2. Life Aquatic
  3. Garden State
  4. Rushmore
  5. Braveheart

Quote of the Week

"The great use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it."
-James Tuslow Adams

Video of the Week

Thursday, August 31, 2006
Here is a video I found earlier this week:

Design and Me

Monday, August 28, 2006
I have been teaching myself html and other design stuff, and I am going to say that I am addicted. I am not good by any means but I am just hungry for information. I have always wanted to be a graphic designer. I think that is just a fascinating job. I have such respect for people who do this for a living. Well with all that said I have learned a few things, that I wanted to update you all on. I have learned how to make and install a favicon. I have learned how to post pictures in the sidebar of my blog, and just now I learned how to insert a banner as a Title (thanks to Tank), so make sure to tune in for that. But until then make sure to check out my favicon and to see the music that I am listening to on the sidebar.

(I know that for some of you this is a very small and simple accomplishment, but for me this is a rather large and time consuming step for me in my journey to becoming an weak amateur graphic designer)
