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Chasing Daylight

For in Him we live and move and have our being...

Bill and Ted...

Awhile back I had posted about something that I had learned from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. I have still been thinking about some of the things in that movie, so here is:

What would it mean to “be excellent to each other”? That is the statement that Bill S. Preston and Ted Theadore Logan make in the movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I ask this because that bold statement could mean so many different things. The word “excellent” is different to everyone.

I agree with the statement. I try to live by it actually. I find that when I follow this way of living, I feel in harmony with life and that I am part of something bigger than myself. To be honest though there are times that I don’t want to be excellent to someone, and there are just so many people.

Let me give you an example. Today at work a woman came into the church and asked for help in paying for her and her sister to stay in a hotel room for the night. Actually she asked if we would pay for three nights in a hotel, at $77 dollars per night. We get so many people of the street asking for help that we must be very selective about who we help. So we leave the final say up to the Senior Pastor. The Pastor listened to her story and decided to help her by giving her $50. She stood there and got upset…she asked where she was going to get the other $22. I was just so shocked that she was not happier for what she got from us. People like this woman make it hard for me to be excellent to everyone. I start to become hardened to all people, telling myself that everyone is like this. I know that this statement is not true. But this is what I battle at times. But this brings me to my question. Can I be excellent to everyone? Do you think that it is possible?

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